Vastushastra has evolved over hundreds of years, and it is a matter of observation that when applied, the Vastu principles have been found to deliver excellent results. When Vastushastra had reached its maturity the modern science had not yet born.
The earth is a living planet. It breaths and vibrates. But it is also exposed to a constant pressure from a multitude of forces of vast magnitudes. Some of these forces are from the sky, others are from the ground. For example, the Magnetic North can be displaced by more than 80 km or more on days (Source: The Geological Survey of Canada.
These are subtle forces of vast magnitude which influence the earth. Consequently the chi, prana, or the living energy of the earth is constantly under stress. We who live on this planet are therefore subjected to a constant vulnerability.
Vastushastra is the only system of designing which has made a systematic study of the elements and has developed design principles that effectively neutralize these pressures.
Let us have a brief look at these forces. What are they? Where do they come from?
From the sky the earth receives cosmic showers and solar winds. From the ground it faces harmful telluric fields, Chandler’s wobble, forces generated out of Earth’s own rotation, and an ever changing magnetic field.
Cosmic Radiations and Showers
When there is a built up of intense magnetic energy in Sun’s atmosphere, it is released as an electromagnetic radiation and energy particles in the space. These particles include plasma, electrons, protons, and heavy nuclei.
These charged particles from the sun's corona and solar flares rush towards the earth at a staggering speed of 24000 Km/hour.
The earth also constantly receives showers from outer space of pions, muons and their counterparts.
The cumulative effect of the high speed shower would have destroyed life on earth. But it is the magnetic field of the earth which stops these particles from entering the atmosphere of the earth.
Under the impact of the solar wind the magnetic field is deflected like water around the bow of a ship. The imaginary surface at which the solar wind is first deflected is called the bow shock. The space behind the bow shock surrounding the earth is responsible in a big way from protecting the earth from these showers. This space is called the magnetosphere which extends into the vacuum of space from approximately 80 to 60,000 kilometers (50 to 37,280 miles) on the side toward the Sun, and trails out more than 300,000 kilometers (186,500 miles) away from the Sun.
However, some high energy charged particles from the solar wind do manage to leak into the magnetosphere. These escaped particles get entrapped in Van Allen Radiation Belts, which are two regions of very high charged particles around the earth.

The particles are forced to execute a spiraling motion back and forth along the field lines. These are the same particles which are responsible for the aurora (Northern and Southern Lights).
Earth’s Rotation
The earth has a metallic inner core which is of the size of moon. The temperature of the core is as high as the temperature on the surface of the Sun. Physicists believe that heat causes churning in the Earth's liquid outer core, which the rotation of the Earth transforms into a liquid whirlpool that swirls around the planet's axis. This converts the earth into a geo-dynamo.
It is also believed that the earth's magnetic field is generated solely by the rotation of the earth, on the assumption that it has a net charge, and therefore generates a dipole magnetic field.
When we look at a compass, the earth's magnetic field appears to be a steady guide. But in reality the magnetic field is anything but stable. Ephemeral undulations, called micro-pulsations, ripple about the ionosphere and generate magnetic disturbances that reach down to ground level. Although they are common and sometimes last from seconds to minutes, these magnetic disturbances are hard to detect, having barely one ten-thousandth the strength of the earth's average magnetism
The Earth has a substantial magnetic field, a fact of some historical importance because of the role of the magnetic compass in exploration of the planet
Corialis Force
The Equator is spinning at around 1100 Km /hour, but the point at the poles is not moved by the rotation. This puts a projectile traveling across the surface of the earth to Corialis force.
Chandler Wobble
As the Earth rotates on its axis it exhibits a wobbling motion. This wobble is named Chandler’s wobble, after its discoverer Seth Carlo Chandler, Jr.
The earth wobbles by 20 feet or so at the North Pole in approximately 1.2 years. Recent studies have indicated that this wobble is caused by two factors, the fluctuating atmospheric pressure, and the fluctuating pressure on the bottom of the ocean.
Everyday Temperature Variations
Each part of the earth is exposed to a daily cycle of heating and cooling. These daily variations create a distortion in the energy fields, thus disturbing the dynamic balance.
Harmful Geo-magnetic Lines
These are lines which cover the entire surface of the earth. The two famous fields are the Hartmann’s field which has North-South and East-West directed strips , and Curry’s field which has North-East South-West and the South-East North-West grid.
Thus we see that the earth is influenced by cosmic radiations, solar winds, geomagnetism, dynamics of its own movements, electromagnetic radiations
Today we are being asked to justify the need for Vastu to the rational mind by producing evidences collected by by astronomers and geo-physicists.
Vastushastra has evolved over hundreds of years, and it is a matter of observation that when applied, the Vastu principles have been found to deliver excellent results. When Vastushastra had reached its maturity the modern science had not yet born.
The aim of Vastushastra is to create such structures which have a dynamic balance and therefore promote harmonious functioning of the human mind and body.
©Arun Vyas. This article may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. Arun Vyas may be contacted at
