When one uses the terms like ‘looking for a scientific or mathematical basis' for validation of a phenomenon like the rhythm of the occurrence of pillars in the Hall of a Thousand Pillar in the Minakshi Temple of Madurai, or the non-linear and non-rhythmic beauty of a mountain spring, oceanic waves or the clouds, one is defining a 3-stage process, whose first stage is the human observation of a phenomenon, the second stage is trying to understand the underlying principle of the phenomenon, and the third stage is looking for scientific validation of the phenomenon.
But in the process, if one is unable to reach a satisfactory scientific explanation of a phenomenon it does not negate the existence of the phenomenon. One such example is the existence of Ishwar. No tangible proof exists to show that Ishwar exists. Yet we believe in Ishwar. Why? Because deep within our hearts, we intuitively believe in the existence of Ishwar, the direct or indirect experience of the existence of Ishwar by the sages and seekers, and thus we substantiate the existence of Ishwar by परोक्ष or अप्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण.
Similar is the case of the ratios. Ratio means a multiple of a scale in its fraction or in full. It is the human intellect that first observes the ratios, intuitively approves or disapproves some of these ratios, and in practice begins to use the ratios which have been intuitively approved. When this phenomenon happens over time it is accepted as a standard principle and as a rule.
So, when one looks for a scientific basis for these ratios one is trying to validate their existence, and not trying to question them. It is like a scientific validation of the fact that fire burns and water quenches the thirst. For example, in music, the octave notes were set by listening, and not by any analytical device, and they are not dependent upon a Sound Spectrometer for any validation.
Similarly, in Vastu also, the ratios which are used do not need scientific and mathematical proof. The question then is, what is the mathematical basis of these ratios? And that answer lies in the octaval frequency of Sound. This is the cause of rhythm. Multiplication of the frequency periodically and symmetrically in a linear direction causes rhythm. When it becomes non-linear it becomes chaotic. It happens in spoken language due to a phenomenon called isochronism which relates to the time given to pronounce a syllable, it happens in architecture where patterns are repeated and/or are separated by open spaces or by other patterns, it happens in music as beats which are a fundamental part of our inner rhythm.
All that exists is born of energy that is vibrating. Therefore, rhythm and its ratios are an integral part of human consciousness. And so is Chaos too, because chaos opens possibilities of diversion and evolution.
©Arun Vyas. This article may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. Arun Vyas can be contacted at arun@arunvyas.com / arunvyas.com/contact