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Vastu for Modern Townships

Humanity has reached a summit from where it is waiting to take a flight in the space of higher consciousness. It is on the threshold of an inward journey to understand who we really are, and not merely to reinforce the sense of an artificially derived social identity. And with it comes a need for a different type of architecture which can create such true environments where this higher intelligence will blossom, the mind will act seated in consciousness and inner strength, man will be free from all selfish and egoistic movements and love will becomes the uniting thread for all humans.

Evolution in nature was never a blind affair left in the hands of random genetic mutations. After the development of human race, nature gave it the capacity to think and plan, grow intellectually and socially, and now consciously. As man developed through the spirals of time, there was a simultaneous shift in its level of intellectual and spiritual growth. Interestingly, its dwelling styles also changed. The less developed civilizations adopted less sophisticated building designs, some even primitive, and the more developed societies developed more complex building plans.

The ancient Indians were the most developed intellectual and spiritual society, and their understanding of the laws of nature was profound and deep. They developed rules which was based upon the cosmic laws of nature for designing not merely dwelling units, but complete townships, creating centers of excellence which would allow the blossoming of the intellect and free mind.

We see thus that an important branch of Vastushastra relates to town planning. It is referred to as nagar-vastu .

Tradition and History of Vastu Town Planning

The concept of town planning was well developed in the past, and one may safely assume that most of the settlements and towns of ancient India were happy settlements which prospered from brisk trade, supported intellectual and spiritual activities, and nurtured leisure and recreational pastimes.

There are numerous evidences of planned building activity in Vedic times. Various references are found in the vedic texts for roads and towns. Roads were classified as mahapath (major path, supath (easy path), vipath (difficult path) etc. The road for the chariots was called parirathyaa. Bridges were called setu. Distances were measured in krosh and yojan. There are names of several settlements in these literatures.

Also, according to Apastambh Gruhyasutra ( it was the responsibility of the kind to create villages and capital. It also talks specifically about the situation of the king’s palace, his court, stable etc.

In his treatise Mayamat the great Vastu scholar Maya has described five types of towns: Gram, Khet, Kharvat, Durg and Nagar. Vastu texts like Samarangan Sutradhar, Mayamat, Vishwakarma Vastushastra, Mansara and Shilparatna are replete with rules about designing a human settlement. The towns were classified according to their population, size, location and shape of the township. Mayamat refers to eight types of villages with exotic names and shapes like Swastik which is shaped like a swastika, and Padma which resembles an eight-petal flower.

In traditional Vastu the city was planned according to the various castes, ranks and vocations of its inhabitants. The pivot used to be either the king’s palace or a temple. Usually the town used to be developed as a cohesive group of concentric squares where areas were designated for the King’s palace, ministers and noblemen, teachers, warriors, administrators , business community, service class, butchers, fishermen, craftsmen, prostitutes, and people of other profession.

The Modern Need for Vastu Towns

Most of the traditional methods of town planning as described in scriptures may not be of relevance today. There is a need to have a fresh look at town planning as per Vastushastra.

This does not undermine the utility of Vastushastra for modern town planning. Just as a dwelling is a microcosm representing the balanced energies of the universe, so is a township. A township with balanced Vastu energies will yield great benefits to its residents.

A Vastu compliant town will have high levels of creativity and positive thoughts. It will be brimming with positive energy. All negative thoughts and actions like theft, hatred, neighborhood quarrels, dirty politics, and crime will be automatically discouraged by cosmic forces.

The residents will have a better quality of life, free from stress. In such a township prosperity will inhabit each home. The reason for this abundance will be that besides residents, the entire range of commercial activities like service sector, banking, BPOs, general trading, consultancy, software development, media advertising will bloom, grow, and earn more.

The creativity of a Vastu township will not only support commercial activities. It will also find its expression in excellent centers of Research and Development, and all types of education.

Vastu towns are indeed the need of the modern age. History will refer to them as Townships of Excellence.

How to select a Vastu Township

The Land

  • A Vastu based township should be on a flat land. It may slope slightly towards North and/or East. Preferably the soil should be of white/wheatish complexion, odorless, and fertile.

  • The land should be free of hidden energy faults and if they are found, they should be corrected by an expert, failing which the land should be discarded.

  • The roads

  • All roads inside the township should be running from East to West and from North to South.

  • The plots

  • All plots should be facing the cardinal directions and not tilted more than 10 degrees. Only plots which fall into one of the following categories should be cut for residential, commercial, educational or public use:

The plots should be either square or rectangular with no more than 1:1.6 width to length ratio.

The plots should belong to one of the following categories:

Dhwaja Yoni

A Dhwaja Yoni plot blesses the owner with good reputation and fame in career, business and society.

Simha Yoni

A Simha Yoni plot blesses the owner with Victory in all spheres of life.

Vrishabh Yoni.

A Simha Yoni plot blesses the owner with prosperity and happiness.

Gaja Yoni

Under no circumstances should the plots be from the following yonis:

Dhoomra Yoni

A Dhoomra Yoni plot brings sorrow.

Shwan Yoni

A Shwan Yoni plot creates infighting in family and business.

Khar Yoni

A Khar Yoni plot causes poverty.

Kak Yoni

A Kak Yoni plot inflicts incurable disease.

The Town Layout

  • Adequate open land should be left in appropriate directions to be developed as gardens and parks.

  • Either natural or manmade water bodies should exist within and around the township in northern and eastern sectors.

  • The township should have the educational institutes, business districts, public buildings, service industry, and other activities in proper designated areas as per Vastushastra.

  • The township should be eco-friendly with water-harvesting, waste recycling, optimum utilization of natural energies of wind and sun, zero wastage of underground water,

  • The township should promote sustainable green revolution, minimum use of chemicals and plastics and emphasize on abundance of open space, free flow of wind, and aim at extremely low pollution.

  • Any cremation ground should be outside the township.

  • Temples of powerful deities like Kali and Bhairon should preferably be outside the township


©Arun Vyas. This article may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. Arun Vyas may be contacted at /

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”Indian sacred architecture of whatever date, style, or dedication goes back to something timelessly ancient and now outside India almost wholly lost, something which belongs to the past, and yet it goes forward too, though this the rationalistic mind will not easily admit, to something which will return upon us and is already beginning to return, something which belongs to the future.”

                                                         -Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India  

Vastu Consultant & Teacher

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